DES-3200-10/18/28/28F Layer 2 Ethernet Managed Switch User Manual
the port to compare the VID tag of an incoming packet with the PVID number assigned to the
port. If the two are different, the port filters (drops) the packet. Disabled disables ingress fil-
tering. Ingress Checking is Enabled by default.
Acceptable Frame
This field denotes the type of frame that will be accepted by the port. The user may choose
between Tagged Only, which means only VLAN tagged frames will be accepted, and All, which
mean both tagged and untagged frames will be accepted. All is enabled by default.
Click Apply to implement changes made.
Asymmetric VLAN Settings
Shared VLAN Learning is a primary example of the requirement for Asymmetric VLANs. Under normal circumstances,
a pair of devices communicating in a VLAN environment will both send and receive using the same VLAN; however,
there are some circumstances in which it is convenient to make use of two distinct VLANs, one used for A to transmit
to B and the other used for B to transmit to A in these cases Asymmetric VLANs are needed. An example of when this
type of configuration might be required would be if the client was on a distinct IP subnet, or if there was some
confidentiality-related need to segregate traffic between the clients.
To view this window, click L2 Features > Asymmetric VLAN Settings:
Figure 3 - 17. Asymmetric VLAN Settings window
Click Apply to implement changes.
MAC-based VLAN Settings
This window is used to create MAC-based VLAN entries on the switch. A MAC Address can be mapped to any existing
static VLAN and multiple MAC addresses can be mapped to the same VLAN. When a static MAC-based VLAN entry
is created for a user, the traffic from this user is able to be serviced under the specified VLAN. Therefore each entry
specifies a relationship of a source MAC address with a VLAN.
To view this window, click L2 Features > MAC-based VLAN Settings:
Figure 3 - 18. MAC-based VLAN Settings window
The following fields can be set
Parameter Description
MAC Address
Specify the MAC address to be mapped.
Enter the VLAN name of a previously configured VLAN.
Click Find, Add or Delete All for changes to take affect.