
Changing the Depth Measurement Units (English vs. Metric)
The DigiTrak Receiver is capable of displaying depth in either inches (English) or centimeters (metric).
The depth measurement units can only be changed during the start-up process.
To change the measurement units:
Instead of clicking the trigger to initiate start-up, simply squeeze and hold in the trigger for 12-14 seconds
(the unit may or may not make a tone during this time depending upon the firmware version). The top
right window will display a 1 or a 2 (1 = inches, 2 = centimeters). With the trigger still held in, the unit will
beep 3 times and then change to the other setting. When the desired setting is displayed, release the
trigger. This mode will remain the same until changed and is not affected by battery replacement.
Older receivers that have not been upgraded require a different method for changing the depth measure-
ment units. Contact DCI Customer Service (425-251-0559 or 800-288-3610) for assistance.
Battery Status Display for Receiver and Transmitter
The receiver will prompt the operator when the recharge-
able NiCad battery is low (approximately 1 hour of usage
left) by displaying BAT in the bottom window.
Receiver Battery Status,
Voltage Remaining
The receiver’s battery voltage is displayed in the bottom
window during start-up. It is the first information to be dis-
played in the bottom window. The voltage is shown in
tenths of a volt, for example, 155 is 15.5V DC. (For more
information about the NiCad’s associated voltages, see
the Battery Charger Section.)
The percentage of remaining battery life in the receiver
will display in the top right window after releasing a held-in
trigger (locating mode). It will display only as 99, 90, 75,
50, 25, 10, 5, or 0.
Transmitter (left) and Receiver (right)
Battery Life Remaining
in Percentages
If you observe the BAT symbol in the top left window, then
the transmitter batteries are low, and the transmitter bat-
tery status should be checked. To view the percentage of
battery life remaining in the transmitter’s battery, hold and
then release the trigger. The status is displayed in the top
left window for 2 seconds, after which the pitch display will
resume. This information will display only as 100, 90, 75,
50, 25, 10, 5, or 0. The receiver’s NiCad battery percent
remaining also displays during this 2-second period in the
top right window.
NOTE: Mark III Receivers do not display
the transmitter battery and temperature
information until 4 minutes after start-up.
10 DigiTrak
Mark III Operator’s Manual