Terminal Emulation Software—Communications program to transform a personal
computer into a terminal for the purpose of data communications.
TFTP Server
Trivial File Transfer Protocol Server—A host to provide services according to
TFTP; a TCP/IP standard protocol for file transfer with minimal capability and
overhead depending on UDP for its datagram delivery service.
User Datagram Protocol/Internet Protoco
—A TCP/IP standard protocol. It enables
transfer of information between applications running on different host. It is referred
to as an unreliable, connectionless datagram delivery service.
Uninterruptible Power Suppl
—A device that supplies power to your system with
rechargeable batteries if there is an AC power failure.
Obtaining Technical Assistance
1. Use the TROUBLESHOOTING section to eliminate obvious causes.
2. Verify there are no circuit breakers tripped. A tripped circuit breaker is the most common problem.
3. Call your dealer for assistance. Please have the following information available BEFORE calling the
Technical Support Department.
A. Your Name and address.
B. Where and when the unit was purchased.
C. All of the model information of the iSwitch.
D. Any information on the failure, including LEDs that may or may not be illuminated.
E. A description of the protected equipment, including model numbers if possible.
F. A technician will ask you for the above information and, if possible, help solve your problem over the
phone. In the event that the unit requires factory service, the technician will issue you a Return Material
Authorization Number (RMA #).
G. If the iSwitch is under warranty, the repairs will be done at no charge. If not, there will be a charge for
4. Pack the iSwitch in its original packaging. If the original packaging is no longer available, ask the Technical
Support Technician about obtaining a new set. It is important to pack the iSwitch properly in order to avoid
damage in transit. Never use Styrofoam beads for a packing material.
A. Include a letter with your name, address, daytime phone number, RMA number, a copy of your original
sales receipt, and a brief description of the problem.
5. Mark the RMA # on the outside of all packages. The factory cannot accept any package without the RMA #
marked on the outside.