2 - 2 Installation
2.4 General Piping Information
NOTE 1: Use the proper pressure rated piping, fittings
and valves as approved by ASME, ANSI, ASA,
etc. Separate or special requirements by local
and/or municipal codes may also apply.
NOTE 2: The manufacturer is not liable for code viola-
tions, downtime, component failure or conse-
quential damages to customer supplied com-
ponents and/or equipment.
NOTE 3: Where it is undesirable to interrupt process
flow, a redundant system with block valves
should be installed to permit servicing and
maintenance of the dryer and associated filter
assemblies. The recommended block valve
MUST be of a type which will provide bubble-
tight shut-off. Ball, globe or butterfly valves with
soft seats are suitable for this purpose. DO
NOTE 4: All inlet and outlet connections, valve and inter-
connecting piping MUST be of the same size
as the dryer’s gas inlet connection or larger.
The manufacturer and its affiliates are not liable
for excessive pressure drops and loss of ca-
pacity caused by undersized or incorrectly in-
stalled piping and/or piping components. Refer
to Table 2.1 for inlet and outlet connection
sizes for your dryer system.
NOTE 5: Carefully inspect all piping lengths and compo-
nents BEFORE installation. Remove any inter-
nal oil, water, dirt, or debris which may have
accumulated during shipment and/or storage.
NOTE 6: Leakage from piping connections and/or asso-
ciated components installed upstream of the
dryer will cause a loss of gas pressure and un-
necessary compressor cycling. The slightest
leakage from piping connections and/or asso-
ciated components installed downstream of
the dryer’s outlet connection can easily cause
a degradation of the dried gas dew point. The
use of TFE tape on all male pipe threads and
the application of sufficient torque at assembly
will greatly reduce chances of leakage and
subsequent rework.
1. All external piping must be supplied by the customer
unless otherwise specified. Refer to Table 2.1 for
connection sizes. Inlet and outlet manual shut-off
valves and a vent valve are recommended so the dry-
ers and filters can be isolated and depressurized for
servicing. Refer to Figure 2.1 for recommended pip-
ing layout.
2. Be sure all piping is supported. Do not allow the
weight of any piping to bear on the dryer or filters.
3. Purge Exhaust Piping is not required on Models LS60
through LS1500. However, if it is necessary to have
a remote mounted muffler, consult with your local
Deltech Sales Representative for special piping in-
On Models LS2070 and LS2580, refer to the Purge
Exhaust Muffler Section of the manual for Purge Ex-
haust Piping instructions.
Table 2.1
¹ F01 – Standard mounted filter package
² F02 /F07 – Optional mounted filter packages
FO1 Connections¹ F02/FO7 Connections²
Model (Inches) (Inches)
Inlet Outlet Inlet Outlet
LS60 1" NPT ¾" NPT 1" NPT 1" NPT
LS110 1¼" NPT ¾" NPT 1" NPT 1" NPT
LS130 1¼" NPT 1" NPT 1" NPT 1" NPT
LS185 1½" NPT 1" NPT 1" NPT 1" NPT
LS240 1½" NPT 1¼" NPT 1½" NPT 1½" NPT
LS270 1½" NPT 1¼" NPT 1½" NPT 1½" NPT
LS360 1½" NPT 1½" NPT 1½" NPT 1½" NPT
LS505 2½" NPT 2" NPT 2" NPT 2" NPT
LS630 2½" NPT 2½" NPT 2" NPT 2" NPT
LS760 2½" NPT 2½" NPT 2" NPT 2" NPT
LS1000 3" FLG 2½" NPT 3" FLG 3" FLG
LS1250 3" FLG 3" FLG 3" FLG 3" FLG
LS1500 4" FLG 4" FLG 4" FLG 4" FLG
LS2070 4" FLG 4" FLG 4" FLG 4" FLG
LS2580 4" FLG 4" FLG 4" FLG 4" FLG
FO1 Connections¹ F02/FO7 Connections²
Model (Inches) (Inches)
Inlet Outlet Inlet Outlet
LSC60 ¾" NPT ¾" NPT 1" NPT 1" NPT
LSC110 1" NPT ¾" NPT 1" NPT 1" NPT
LSC130 1" NPT ¾" NPT 1" NPT 1" NPT
LSC185 1¼" NPT ¾" NPT 1" NPT 1" NPT
LSC240 1¼" NPT 1" NPT 1" NPT 1½" NPT
LSC270 1¼" NPT 1" NPT 1" NPT 1½" NPT
LSC360 1½" NPT 1¼" NPT 1" NPT 1½" NPT
LSC505 2" NPT 1¼" NPT 1½" NPT 2" NPT
LSC630 2" NPT 1½" NPT 1½" NPT 2" NPT
LSC760 2½" NPT 2" NPT 2" NPT 2" NPT
LSC1000 2½" NPT 2½"NPT 2" NPT 2" NPT
LSC1250 3" FLG 3" FLG 3" FLG 3" FLG
LSC1500 3" FLG 3" FLG 3" FLG 3" FLG
LSC2070 4" FLG 4" FLG 4" FLG 4" FLG
LSC2580 4" FLG 4" FLG 4" FLG 4" FLG