Cleaning the drip tray
The drip tray is equipped with a oating water level indicator
(red) (A11). As soon as this indicator starts protruding from
the cup tray, empty the tray and clean it, otherwise the water
may overow and damage the machine, and the surrounding
1. Removethedriptray(g.26).
2. R
clean the tray using a cloth: then re-assemble the drip tray.
3. Re-insertthedriptray.
Cleaning the coee lters
Cleaning the boiler outlet
0.5l of water from the boiler outlet (place a cup under the
boiler outlet and then press either the 1 or 2 cup coee button
to deliver a coee without using coee powder).
Cleaning the milk container
Clean the milk container after each milk preparation, as
described below:
1. Extract the lid.
2. Removethemilkspouttubeandtheintaketube(g.29).
3. Removethefrothregulatorbybypullingitout(g.30).
4. Carefully clean all components using hot water and a mild
detergent. All components can be washed in the
dishwasher by positioning them on the upper rack
of the dishwasher. Pay particular attention that milk
residues do not remain inside the holes and in the groove
on the narrow part of the froth regulator.
5. Also check that the intake tube and the milk spout tube
are not obstructed by milk residues.
6. Re-assemblethefrothregulator,themilkspouttubeand
the milk intake tube.
7. Place the lid on the milk container.
Replacing the lter
After two months of duration (see calendar), or if the appliance is
Descale the machine when the light ashes on the
control panel. Proceed as follows:
1. Removethewaterlter.Fillthetankwiththedescaling
solution obtained by diluting the descaler with water as
indicated on the descaler pack.
2. Insertthehotwaterspout(g.8).
3. Place one container under the boiler outlet and one under
empty and correctly inserted.
4. Simultaneously press the and
: light
turns on (if the hot water spout has not been
inserted, the light ashes).
5. Press the button. Descaling is signaled by the
automatically performs a series of deliveries from the
boiler outlet and from the hot water spout at intervals, to
remove the lime scale from inside the coee machine.
6. Once the descaling solution is terminated, the light
turns on to indicate rinsing is necessary.
7. To eliminate the solution and lime scale residues, rinse the
the containers and place them under the boiler outlet and
hot water spout.
8. Press the button:rinsingstartsandallLEDsashin
9. Rinsingstopswhenthetankisempty:rinseandrellthe
10. Light turns on: press the relative button: delivery
starts and interrupts automatically.
The appliance is now ready for use.
are not covered by the warranty if the descaling procedure
described above is not performed on a regular basis.
Instructions for use