Platform Guide 1-3
Service Pack Support
Windows NT Server 4.0 Service Pack 6a (SP6a) or later is recommended for Cluster SE400
and SL400 systems.
Windows 2000 Advanced Server Service Pack 2 (SP2) or later are recommended for
Cluster SE400 and SL400 systems.
You can download the latest service pack from the Microsoft website located at
See the Dell PowerEdge Cluster SE400 and SL400 Installation and Troubleshooting Guide for
instructions on installing the service pack.
Installing Peripheral Components in Your
PowerEdge Cluster Node PCI/PCI-X Slots
This section provides configuration information for adding NICs, a DRAC II or III, and
RAID controllers into your cluster node PCI/PCI-X slots.
Installing the PERC 3/DC
You must install the PERC 3/DC RAID controller in a 64-bit PCI/PCI-X slot up to 133 MHz
or a 32-bit, 33-MHz PCI slot. See the PCI/PCI-X slot assignments in the following section
for information about your specific system.
If you are using multiple PERC 3/DC cards, Dell recommends that you install them on
separate PCI buses for load balancing.
Adding Peripherals to Your PowerEdge Cluster Nodes
CAUTION: Hardware installation should be performed only by trained service
technicians. Before working inside the system, see the safety instructions in
your PowerEdge
System Information Guide
document to avoid a situation that
could cause serious injury or death.
NOTE: To ensure that the SCSI or RAID controller attached to the boot drives
initializes first, you might have to change the device controller priority order using
the system BIOS utility or physically change the order of the RAID adapters. This
process ensures that the Windows operating system numbers the boot drives in the
proper sequence.
Table 1-3 provides PCI slot assignment information for installing RAID controllers and
NICs in your PowerEdge cluster nodes.