About Your System 51
Unused memory
detected. DIMM’s
installed in the
following slot
are not available
when in mirror or
128-bit advanced
ECC modes:
The memory configuration is
not optimal for mirroring or
Advanced ECC Memory
Mode. Modules in the
specified slots are unused.
Reconfigure the memory for
Memory Mirroring or
Advanced ECC Memory
Mode, or change the memory
mode to Optimized in the
BIOS setup screen. See
"System Memory."
Warning: A fatal
error has caused
system reset!
Please check the
system event log!
A fatal system error occurred
and caused the system to
Check the SEL for
information that was logged
during the error. See the
applicable troubleshooting
section in "Troubleshooting
Your System" for any faulty
components specified in the
Warning: Control
Panel is not
The control panel is not
installed or has a faulty cable
Install the control panel, or
check the cable connections
between the display module,
the control panel board, and
the system board. See
"Control Panel Assembly."
Warning! No micro
code update
loaded for
Micro code update failed. Update the BIOS firmware.
See "Getting Help."
Table 1-2. System Messages (continued)
Message Causes Corrective Actions