40 About Your System
BIOS Update
Attempt Failed!
Remote BIOS update
attempt failed.
Retry the BIOS update. If
the problem persists, see
"Getting Help."
NVRAM_CLR jumper
is installed on
system board
NVRAM_CLR jumper is
installed in the clear setting.
CMOS has been cleared.
Move the NVRAM_CLR
jumper to the default
position (pins 3 and 5). See
"System Board Connectors"
for jumper location.
After restoring the jumper,
update the desired settings in
the BIOS System Setup
program. See "Using the
System Setup Program and
UEFI Boot Manager."
CPU set to
The processor speed may be
intentionally set lower for
power conservation.
If not an intentional setting,
check any other system
messages for possible causes.
with no memory.
Memory modules are
required but not installed in
the indicated processor’s
memory slots.
Install memory modules for
the processor. See "System
Table 1-2. System Messages (continued)
Message Causes Corrective Actions