MMS Cards
Enter the multimedia celebration cards list window. it includes birthday
cards, anniversary cards, romantic cards, scenic paintings, and
humorous cards. select the card you wish to browse. in the window
you can add the card to the multimedia message and send it.
MSG search
Search for any information stored in the phone by entering a key word
to search for in any messages, files, phonebook or call history.
Storage Status
Check the internal memory of the phone system, as well as the user
memory and the usable and remaining space of the memory card.
Format the phone and memory card. After formatting, all the files
on your memory card and phone will be lost.
Phone User Storage: Format the phone user storage.
Memory Card: Format the memory card. You can use the PC port
to format the memory card. When using the PC port to format the
card, you can only choose FAT16 format. If other format memory
cards are used it could cause abnormalities.
When there is no FTA16 format PC port, please do not use
the PC to format the memory.