NOTE: When operating in the expanded temperature
range, system performance may be impacted.
NOTE: When operating in the expanded temperature
range, ambient temperature warnings may be
reported on the LCD and in the System Event Log.
< 10% of annual operating hours 5 °C to 40 °C at 5% to 85% RH with 26 °C dew point.
NOTE: Outside the standard operating temperature
(10 °C to 35 °C), the system can operate down to 5 °C
or up to 40 °C for a maximum of 10% of its annual
operating hours.
For temperatures between 35 °C and 40 °C, de-rate
maximum allowable dry bulb temperature by 1 °C per 175
m above 950 m (1 °F per 319 ft).
< 1% of annual operating hours –5 °C to 45 °C at 5% to 90% RH with 26 °C dew point.
NOTE: Outside the standard operating temperature
(10 °C to 35 °C), the system can operate down to –5
°C or up to 45 °C for a maximum of 1% of its annual
operating hours.
For temperatures between 40 °C and 45 °C, de-rate
maximum allowable dry bulb temperature by 1 °C per 125
m above 950 m (1 °F per 228 ft).
Expanded Operating Temperature Restrictions
• Install blades that fulfill the requirements for
expanded operating temperature range.
NOTE: For more information on the blade-
specific restrictions for the expanded
operating temperature range, see the
technical specifications in the blade's
Owner's Manual
at dell.com/support/
• 2700 W power supplies are supported as per the
power supply rated capacity.
• 3000 W power supplies are supported with a
capacity of 2800 W per power supply.
• Install fans of the following ratings:
– 12 V, 5.0 A
– 12 V, 6.30 A
• Only the following I/O modules are supported:
– Brocade M5424 FC8 I/O module
– Dell M8428-k 10 Gb converged network
– Cisco 1 GE 3130X-s switch
– Mellanox M3601Q DDR/QDR switch
– Dell PowerConnect M8024-k switch
– Dell PowerConnect M6220 Ethernet
switch I/O module