Documentation matrix
The documentation matrix provides information on documents that you can refer to for setting up and
managing your system.
Table 4. Documentation matrix
To... See the...
Install your system into a rack Rack documentation included with your rack
Set up your system and know the system technical
Getting Started With Your System that shipped with
your system or see Dell.com/poweredgemanuals
Install the operating system Operating system documentation at Dell.com/
Get an overview of the Dell Systems Management
Dell OpenManage Systems Management Overview
Guide at Dell.com/openmanagemanuals >
OpenManage software
Configure and log in to iDRAC, set up managed
and management system, know the iDRAC
features, and troubleshoot by using iDRAC
Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller User's
Guide at Dell.com/idracmanuals
Know about the RACADM subcommands and
supported RACADM interfaces
RACADM Command Line Reference Guide for
iDRAC at Dell.com/idracmanuals
Launch, enable, and disable Dell Lifecycle
Controller, know the features, use and
troubleshoot Dell Lifecycle Controller
Dell Lifecycle Controller User’s Guide at Dell.com/
Use Dell Lifecycle Controller Remote Services Dell Lifecycle Controller Remote Services Quick
Start Guide at Dell.com/idracmanuals
Set up, use, and troubleshoot OpenManage Server
Dell OpenManage Server Administrator User’s
Guide at Dell.com/openmanagemanuals >
OpenManage Server Administrator
Install, use, and troubleshoot OpenManage
Dell OpenManage Essentials User’s Guide at
Dell.com/openmanagemanuals > OpenManage
Know the features of the storage controller cards,
deploy the cards, and manage the storage
Storage controller documentation at Dell.com/
Check the event and error messages generated by
the system firmware and agents that monitor
system components
Dell Event and Error Messages Reference Guide at
Dell.com/openmanagemanuals > OpenManage
Accessing system information by using QRL
You can use the Quick Resource Locator (QRL) to get immediate access to the information about your
Ensure that your smartphone or tablet has the QR code scanner installed.