Platform Guide 9
Attaching Your Cluster to a Shared Storage System in
a SAN-Attached Configuration
A PowerEdge Cluster FE655W solution may include the following hardware components in a
SAN configuration:
• Multiple clusters and non-clustered server modules, but is limited to no more than two
PowerEdge 1855/1955
server enclosure
• The supported storage system
configurations using internal fabrics
– One Dell|EMC storage system
– Two Dell|EMC storage systems
– One Dell|EMC storage system and one Dell PowerVault™ tape library
• With external SAN, a system can support up to four storage systems and up to two tape libraries.
NOTE: The PowerEdge Cluster FE655W solution does not support the AX150SC storage system in SAN-attached
Rules and Guidelines
The rules and guidelines described in Table 1-3 apply to SAN-attached clusters.
Table 1-3. Rules and Guidelines for Dell PowerEdge Clusters
Rule/Guideline Description
Operating system Each cluster attached to the SAN must run one of the following:
• Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition
• *Windows Server 2003, Enterprise x64 Edition
• Windows Server 2003 R2, Enterprise Edition
• *Windows Server 2003 R2, Enterprise x64 Edition
Windows Server 2003
service pack
See "Cluster Configuration Support Matrix" on page 10 for supported versions.
Primary storage Each Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition cluster can support up to
22 unique drive letters for shared logical drives. Windows Server 2003 can support
additional physical drives through mount points.
Up to two Dell|EMC Fibre Channel disk arrays are supported in a configuration
using only embedded switches.
Up to four Dell|EMC Fibre Channel disk arrays are supported in a configuration
that is connected to external SAN.
Secondary Storage Depending on the configuration, up to two PowerVault tape libraries that are
supported by your cluster nodes in a Dell|EMC SAN environment may be used by
the cluster.
Any system attached to the SAN can share these devices.