Menu Item Description
System Information Displays information about the system such as the system model name,
BIOS version and Service Tag.
Memory Settings Displays information and options related to the installed memory.
Processor Settings Displays information and options related to the processor such as speed,
cache size.
SATA Settings Displays options to enable or disable the integrated SATA controller and
Boot Settings Displays options to specify the boot mode (BIOS or UEFI). Enables you to
modify UEFI and BIOS boot settings.
Network Settings Displays options to change the network settings.
Integrated Devices Displays options to enable or disable integrated device controllers and
ports and specify related features and options.
Serial Communication Displays options to enable or disable the serial ports and specify related
features and options.
System Profile Settings Displays options to change the processor power management settings,
memory frequency, and so on.
System Security Displays options to configure the system security settings such as, system
password, setup password, TPM security. It also enables or disables
support for the power and NMI buttons on the system.
Miscellaneous Settings Displays options to change the system date, time, and so on.
System Information screen
You can use the System Information screen to view system properties such as Service Tag, system
model, and the BIOS version.
To view the System Information click System Setup Main Menu → System BIOS → System Information.
The System Information screen details are explained as follows:
Menu Item Description
System Model Name Displays the system model name.
System BIOS Version Displays the BIOS version installed on the system.
System Management
Engine Version
Displays the current revision of the Management Engine firmware.
System Service Tag Displays the system service tag.
System Manufacturer Displays the name of the system manufacturer.
System Manufacturer
Contact Information
Displays the contact information of the system manufacturer.
System CPLD Version Displays the current revision of the system CPLD firmware.
UEFI Compliance Version Displays the system firmware UEFI compliance level.