two front-panel and five back-panel USB 2.0–
compliant connectors
two connectors for line-in and line-out; two front-
panel connectors for headphones and microphone
24-pin connector for optional second serial port card
in Microsoft®Windows®XP and Windows Vista,
brings up the Windows Security window; in MS-DOS®
mode, restarts (reboots) the computer
<F2> or <Ctrl><Alt><Enter>
starts embedded system setup (during system start-
up only)
displays a boot device menu that allows the user to
enter a device for a single boot (during system start-
up only) as well as options to run hard-drive and
system diagnostics
front of chassis - push button
Power light (within the power button)
green light — Blinking green indicates a sleep mode;
solid green indicates a power-on state.
amber light — Blinking amber indicates a problem
with an installed device; solid amber indicates an
internal power problem (see Power Problems).
front panel - solid green light indicates network
Link integrity light (on integrated network adapter)
rear panel - green light for 10-Mb operation; orange
light for 100-Mb operation; yellow light for a 1000-Mb
(1-Gb) operation
Activity light (on integrated network adapter)
rear panel - yellow blinking light
front panel - four lights. See Diagnostic Lights.
AUX_PWR on the system board
manual selection power supplies — 90 to 135 V at
3-V CR2032 lithium coin cell