Use Another Tray Displays whether to show a message to select another tray when the
specified paper is not available in the paper tray.
Network Settings Adobe Protocol Displays PostScript communication protocol for each interface.
USB Settings USB Port Displays whether to enable the USB interface.
Adobe Protocol Displays PostScript communication protocol for each interface.
PCL Settings Paper Tray Displays the paper input tray.
Paper Size Displays the paper size setting.
Custom Paper Size - Y Displays the length of custom size paper.
Custom Paper Size - X Displays the width of custom size paper.
Orientation Displays how text and graphics are oriented on the page.
2 Sided Print
Displays whether to print on both sides of a sheet of paper.
Font Displays the selected font from the list of registered fonts.
Symbol Set Displays a symbol set for the specified font.
Font Size Displays the font size for scalable typographic fonts.
Font Pitch Displays the font pitch for scalable mono spaced fonts.
Form Line Displays the number of lines in a page.
Quantity Displays the number of copies to print.
Image Enhance Displays whether to enable the Image Enhancement feature.
Hex Dump Displays whether to enable the Hex Dump feature.
Draft Mode Displays whether to print in the draft mode.
Line Termination Displays whether to set the line termination.
Default Color Displays the color mode setting.
Ignore Form Feed Displays whether to ignore blank pages that only contain Form Feed
control codes.
PostScript Settings PS Error Report Displays whether the printer outputs error contents for a PostScript
PS Job Time-out Displays the execution time for one PostScript job.
Paper Select Mode Displays the tray that is selected in the PostScript printing.
Default Color Displays the color mode setting.
PDF Settings Quantity Displays the number of copies to print.
2 Sided Print
Displays whether to print on both sides of a sheet of paper.
Print Mode Displays the print mode setting.
Collation Displays whether to sort a job.
Output Size Displays the output paper size.
Layout Displays the output layout.
Default Color Displays the color mode setting.
Secure Settings Panel Lock Control Displays whether to lock Admin Settings with a password.
USB Direct Print Displays whether to lock the USB Direct Print function with a password.
Software Download Displays whether to enable download of firmware updates.
Encryption Displays whether to encrypt the data.
Hard Disk Over Write
Displays whether to overwrite the hard disk drive.
Login Error Displays how many times an administrator can attempt to log in to
Panel Lock and Function Enabled.
134 Dellâ„¢ Printer Configuration Web Tool