To specify the setting of the Server Message Block (SMB) protocol.
Va lue s :
Host Name Sets the host name of the server computer.
Workgroup Sets the workgroup.
Maximum Sessions Sets the maximum number of sessions.
Unicode Support Sets whether to notify the host name and workgroup name in Unicode characters during
SMB transmission.
Auto Master Mode Sets whether to enable the Auto Master Mode.
Encrypt Password Sets whether to encrypt the password.
Job Time-Out Sets the job time-out period between 60 and 3,600 seconds.
Connection Time-Out Sets the connection time-out period between 60 and 3,600 seconds.
E-Mail Server
To configure detailed settings of E-Mail Server and E-Mail Alert. This page can also be displayed by clicking the
E-Mail Server Settings Overview in the left frame.
Va lue s :
E-Mail Server Settings Primary SMTP Gateway Sets the primary SMTP gateway.
SMTP Port Number Sets the SMTP port number. This must be 25, 587 or between 5,000 and
E-Mail Send Sets the authentication method for outgoing e-mail.
SMTP Login User Sets the SMTP login user. Up to 63 alphanumeric characters, periods,
hyphens, underscores, and at symbols (@) can be used. If specifying more
than one address, separate them using commas.
SMTP Login Password Sets the SMTP account password using up to 31 alphanumeric characters.
Re-enter SMTP Login Confirms the set SMTP account password.
POP3 Server Address
Sets the POP3 server address in IP address format of "aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd" or
as a DNS host name using up to 63 characters.
POP3 Port Number
Sets the POP3 server port number. This must be 110 or between 5,000 and
POP User Name
Sets the POP3 account user name. Up to 63 alphanumeric characters,
periods, hyphens, underscores, and at symbols (@) can be used. If
specifying more than one address, separate them using commas.
POP User Password
Sets the POP3 account password using up to 31 alphanumeric characters.
Re-enter POP User
Confirms the set password.
Reply Address Designates the reply e-mail address sent with each E-mail Alert.
SMTP Server Displays the status of the SMTP server connection.
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