Set Date and Time menu
Use To
Current Date and Time Show the current date and time settings for the printer.
Manually Set Date and Time
[input date/time]
Enter the date and time.
• For touch‑screen printer models, date and time are set in YYYY-MM-DD
HH:MM format.
• Manually setting the date and time sets Enable NTP to No.
• For non‑touch‑screen printer models, the wizard lets you set the date and
time in YYYY‑MM‑DD‑HH:MM format.
Time Zone
[list of time zones]
Select the time zone.
Note: GMT is the factory default setting for non‑touch‑screen printer models.
Automatically observe DST
Set the printer to use the applicable daylight saving time (DST) start and end times
associated with the printer Time Zone setting.
Note: On is the factory default setting.
Enable NTP
Enable Network Time Protocol, which synchronizes the clocks of devices on a
• On is the factory default setting.
• The setting is turned off if you manually set the date and time.
Understanding the printer menus 71