PERC 3 BIOS Configuration Utility 153
Initialize Menu
NOTE: See page 178 for
procedures for initializing
logical drives.
Choose Initialize from the BIOS Configuration Utility Management Menu
to initialize one or more logical drives. Press the space bar to select a single
driver or the <F2> key to select all drives for initialization. This action
typically follows the configuration of a new logical drive.
NOTICE: Initializing a logical drive destroys all data on the logical drive.
Objects Menu
Choose Objects from the Management Menu to access the adapters,
logical drives, physical drives, and SCSI channels individually. You can also
change settings for each object. The Objects menu options are described in
the following sections.
Choose Objects—>Adapter to select a controller (if the computer has more
than one) and to modify parameters. You can install only one PERC 3
controller, but you can install other PERC controllers.
Table 11-3 describes the Adapter menu options.
Table 11-3. Adapter Menu Options
Option Description
Choose this option to erase the current configuration from
the controller non-volatile memory.
Choose this option to enable or disable the FlexRAID
PowerFail feature. This option allows drive reconstruction,
rebuild, and check consistency to continue when the system
restarts because of a power failure, reset, or hard boot.
Fast Initialization Select this option to write zeros to the first sector of the
logical drive so that initialization occurs in 2 – 3 seconds.
When this option is set to Disabled, a full initialization
takes place on the entire logical drive. On a larger array
(over 5 arrays), it is best to set fast initialization to
Disabled, then initialize. Otherwise, the controller will run
a background consistency check within five minutes of
reboot or RAID 5 creation.