
Diagnostics information 2-15
Service error codes
Service error codes are generally non-recoverable except in an intermittent condition when the printer can be
put into POR to temporarily recover from the error condition.
Error Description Action
Engine software service errors
902.xx Engine software error Replace the controller board. See “Controller
board service check” on page 2-22
DC pick motor errors
914.00 DC pick motor error
914.01 Lost encoder feedback
Transfer service errors
917.xx Transfer service error Replace the transfer roll. See “Transfer roll
service check” on page 2-37.
Fuser service errors
920.00 Under temperature during steady state control. Replace the fuser. See “Fuser service check”
on page 2-25.
920.01 Fuser took too long to heat up after transitioning to new
enhanced mode.
920.02 Fuser fell too far below desired temperature while
920.03 Fuser too cool while checking for slope change.
920.04 Fuser too cool when heating to desired temperature
after slope change.
920.05 Fuser under temperature while printing
920.06 Fuser under temperature while printing
920.07 Fuser under temperature while printing
920.08 Fuser temperature did not increase after IR recovery.
920.20 Belt fuser under temperature during steady state control.
This can occur in printing or standby modes.
921.00 Under temperature during standby control.
921.01 Fuser temperature did not reach standby temperature
after two attempts
922.00 Fuser failed to ramp to target temperature
922.01 Fuser did not reach standby temperature in time
(standby control)
922.02 Hot roll took too long to reach the beginning lamp
detection temperature.
922.03 Hot roll reached final lamp detection temperature, but
took longer than largest time in lookup table.
922.04 Hot roll timed out in trying to reach the final lamp
detection temperature.