96 Appendix
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Ink and Toner Cartridges Limited Warranty (Latin America Only)
Dell Inc. warrants to the original purchaser of genuine Dell-branded toner cartridges that the cartridges will be free
from defects resulting from material or manufacturing process for the life of the cartridge. For the original
purchaser of genuine Dell-branded ink cartridges, Dell warrants that the cartridges will be free from defects
resulting from material or manufacturing process for one year beginning from the date of delivery.
If this product presents defects resulting from either material or manufacturing process, it will be replaced without
charge during the limited warranty period if returned to Dell.
In order to obtain the necessary information to enable the replacement, call the appropriate toll-free number. In
Mexico, call 001-877-533-6230; in Puerto Rico, call 1-877-839-5123. In cases in which either the production of the
cartridge has been discontinued or the cartridge is not available, Dell reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to
choose between replacing it by a similar product or reimbursing you for the purchase cost.
This limited warranty does not apely2s to n o(rr)-17.4( )15.2(t)-15.4(o)-(n(te)-14.r4( c)-17.4(a)-5.r2(t)-15.6(rid)-4.5(g)-1.6(e)-16((es)-14.7( )15.2(t)-15.h n)-11.4(a)-5.t(c)0. h n)-11.4(a)-5.(rv)-4.6(e)-16(1( )15.2 c)-17.6(e)-16(e( n)-11.ll r)14.9(e)6.8(f)-12.5(i)-3.7(ll)-16(erid2314.5( )15.2(o)-11((rr-12.2e to)-.3( d)-8.6(e)-16(f6(e)-16(c2(t)-15.sll r)14.9(e)-16((u n)-11.l2(t)-15.i( n)-11.g 8(f)-12.(rr-12.2(o)-11(8(m)-14.8( )]TJ0 -1.2576 T-0.8295 Tc-0.0116 Twmi))-8.(u )-17.s7(e1)-5.1( 610.7(r)-2.us(r)12.6(e1)-5.1( 610.c(r)-2.c(r)12.5(i610.de(r)13.7t(e1)-5.1ne(r)13.g w)-5.l(r)12.i))-8.g w)-5.e(r)13.7(e)6.ce(r)13., mi))-8.((r)12.h(e)6.( 610.7(e)6.dli))-8.7(e)6.g)chrrei(r)12.t(r)-8.4(ei)9.( 610.g w)-5.e(r)13. 4(ei)9.8( 2-17.x(,)3.7(r)14.o)0.(u2(r5.e(r)13. t(r)13.o)0. i)e 610.p(r)-2.7(r)14.rtyreii610.( 610.t(r)13.e e(r)13.7(e)6.vi) rg.