l Verify that the network is properly configured (i.e. no loop-back condition exists).
l Verify that the autoloader operates correctly when properly configured and attached directly to a host
system using a cross-over cable.
l If all previous steps fail, contact support.dell.com.
IP Stack Memory Allocation
IP Stack Can't Free Memory
l Check support.dell.com for PowerVault 124T firmware updates.
l Check the TapeAlert log for more specific drive error information. Refer to Table 3 for recommended
l Power cycle the autoloader using the front panel power button and retry the operation.
l If all previous steps fail, contact support.dell.com.
Drive Logout/Unexpected Error
Command Flushed From Queue
Drive Manager Not In Correct
Drive Reporting Not Ready
l Check the Remote Management Unit autoclean Configuration settings. Insure that a valid cleaning
cartridge is located at the configured location.
l Verify that the cleaning cartridge does not have labels or other matter placed anywhere on the
cartridge except where labels are expected to be placed.
l Try a different cleaning cartridge.
l If the operation fails with two different cleaning cartridges, contact support.dell.com.
l Check the TapeAlert log for more specific drive error information. Refer to Table 3 for recommended
l Verify that the cleaning cartridge does not have labels or other matter placed anywhere on the
cartridge except where labels are expected to be placed.
l Try to load a different piece of media.
l Power cycle the autoloader using the front panel power button and retry the operation.
l If all previous steps fail, contact support.dell.com.
Drive Communications Error
l Check support.dell.com for PowerVault 124T firmware updates.
l Check the TapeAlert log for more specific drive error information. Refer to Table 3 for recommended
l Power cycle the autoloader using the front panel power button and retry the operation.
l If all previous steps fail, contact support.dell.com.
Drive Communications Error
Loader Communication Error
Failed to Send CUP Cmd to
Drive / No Response From Drive
l Verify the firmware images for both the autoloader and drive are the most recent images located at
l Review the firmware update readme file provided with the firmware images.
Note: The recommended method for drive firmware update is through the host SCSI interface using
the DFU utility provided with the firmware images. The recommended method for loader firmware
update is through the Remote Management Unit.
l Verify all SCSI cable and terminator connections between the host and autoloader.
l Verify no media in drive during update.
l Power cycle the autoloader using the front panel power button and retry the operation.
l If all previous steps fail, contact support.dell.com.
Drive Update Failed, Media
Image Size in Header Too Big
Reset During Drive Update
Unexpected Reset From Drive
Unexpected Message From PSP
Personality or Version Check
SCSI Error During Write Buffer
Image Processing Ended Early
SCSI Server Task Error Types
Unexpected Response or Data
l Verify the host backup application and device driver are at the latest supported revision at