Installing the VoIP Ceiling Speaker
Set up the MGROUPS
Operations Guide 930095K CyberData Corporation
2. On the MGROUPS Setup page, enter values for the parameters indicated in Table 2-8.
3. After changing the parameters, click Save Sett
Note Fo
r information on how to set up MGROUPS in Cisco Call Manager Express,
see Appendix D, “Setting Up MGROUPS in
Cisco Call Manager Express”.
Table 2-8. MGROUPS Setup Parameters
Web Page Item Description
Device Name Displays the device name.
MG-Emergency Use MG-Emergency for the MGROUP with the highest
MG-(1-8) Use MG-(1-8) to assign MGROUPS 1 through 8.
MG-Background Use MG-Background for the MGROUP with the lowest
priority (background audio for example).
Multicast IP Address Enter the multicast IP Address for this MGROUP.
Port 2000-65535 Enter the port number for this MGROUP.
Priority Assign the priority for this MGROUP (the higher the number,
the hig
her the priority).
MGROUP Name Assign a descriptive name for this MGROUP.
Beep Check this box if you want a beep to precede a page.
Click this button to save your configuration settings.
Click this button to reboot the system.
Link to the Network Setup page.
Link to the Speaker Setup page.
Link to the SIP Setup page.
Link to the Upgrade Firmware page.
Link to the Home page.