Crestron ST-PC Dual AC Power Control Module
Dual AC Power Control Module:
Features and Functions
There are two Crestron
Dual AC Power Control Module configurations available:
ST-PC and STI-PC. Configuration is based on the type of power availability. Use the
ST-PC with a 120V power supply and the STI-PC with a 220V power supply. For
purposes of this Operations Guide, the term ST-PC is used for either configuration,
except where noted.
The ST-PC is a dual power controller that switches AC power on and off at two
independent AC sockets mounted on the unit. Each socket is tied to a relay that is
able to support a combined load (sockets A and B) of 10 Amp, maximum (6 Amp,
maximum, for the STI-PC). There are several unique features of the ST-PC.
• Two momentary pushbutton switches on the front panel of the unit can be
programmed to toggle the relays via the control system.
• The pushbutton switches locally toggle a relay when the control system is
• During network activity, the relays assume the state dictated by the control
Functional Summary
The ST-PC is used as part of a Cresnet
control system. Use of the supplied power
pack is optional.
NOTE: When connected to both the Cresnet power and the external power supply,
the Cresnet power is disconnected.
• Two momemtary pushbuttons to toggle the relays
• Two network connectors for daisy-chaining units
• Rack mountable with optional ST-RMK (1 space height)
Operations Guide – DOC. 5708A Dual AC Power Control Module: ST-PC • 1