
This unit was properly calibrated at the factory to match the load
cells that were supplied with it. If you are going to recalibrate, note
the following.
Recalibration can not be done until the Recalibration flag is turned
ON. The proper sequence of keystrokes is given below.
BE SURE the load cell plug is plugged into the side of the controller.
BE SURE the weigh bin is hanging from the load cells freely.
BE SURE the air line to the dump valve is connected as it would be
during normal operation. (A disconnected air line adds weight.)
Air pressure to the line is not necessary.
BE SURE there is nothing touching the weigh bin or air line.
BE SURE the bin is EMPTY when ZEROING the load cells,
ZERO WT. must be done before FULL WT. Since changes in ZERO WT will
also shift the FULL WT scale by the same amount, it may not be
necessary to go any farther than this.
When SETTING FULL WEIGHT, BE SURE you know the exact weight (in GRAMS)
that you are adding to the bin. Place this weight in the bin and then
press the FULL WT. key. Five dashes (FUL-----) will be displayed.
Enter the EXACT weight in GRAMS that you have placed in the bin. The
weight should be close to the designed full bin weight; (400, 1000,
2000, 4000, 9000, or 18000). The example below uses 2000.
When done, their is no need to turn the Calibration Flag off. The next
time power is turned off this flag will be reset to OFF.
The sequence of keystrokes is as follows:
Press: * Display will say: (PASSWORD)
Press: 22222 Display will say: (P x)
Press: *99 Display will say: (CAL OFF)
Press: * Display will say: (CAL ON )
Press: EXIT Display will say: (P x)
Press: ZERO Display will say: (--WAIT--)
followed by: (P 0)
Place a 2000 (or 1000, 4000 or 9000) Gram weight in the bin.
Press: FULL Display will say: (FUL-----)
Press: 2000 Display will say: (--WAIT--)
followed by: (P 2000.0)
If YOUR weight is not exactly 2000 grams,
then enter the ACTUAL weight that YOU use.
Press: EXIT Display will say: ( 2000.0)
Remove weights: Display will say: ( x.x)
Actual displayed weights may be plus or minus a few grams.
After FULL weight calibration, if the display says (BAD CELL), the
weight you are using does not match the weight you entered, the weigh
bin is not free to move, OR the load cells are bad.
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