
Preface ..................................................... vii
1 Service Format
1.1 Routine Names . . . ................................... 1–1
1.2 Format . . ........................................... 1–1
1.3 Parameters ......................................... 1–1
1.3.1 Type Entry ....................................... 1–2
1.3.2 Access .......................................... 1–3
1.3.3 Mechanism ....................................... 1–3
1.4 Return Status ....................................... 1–4
1.5 Session Environments ................................. 1–4
2 TP Desktop Connector Portable API Client Services
2.1 Summary of Portable API Client Services .................. 2–1
2.2 Parameter Memory Allocation ........................... 2–2
2.3 Nonblocking Service Usage . . ........................... 2–2
2.3.1 Nonblocking and Blocking Restriction .................. 2–3
2.3.2 Completion Routine Format .......................... 2–3
2.4 Workspace Data Structures . . ........................... 2–4
2.4.1 ACMSDI_WORKSPACE Structure and Initialization
Macro ........................................... 2–4
2.4.2 ACMSDI_WORKSPACE_OPT Structure ................ 2–6
2.4.3 ACMSDI_WORKSPACE_BIND Structure ............... 2–7
2.4.4 ACMSDI_FORM_RECORD_BIND Structure . . . .......... 2–7
2.5 ACMSDI_CALL_OPTION Union Structure ................. 2–8
2.5.1 ACMSDI_OPTION Array . ........................... 2–10
2.6 acmsdi_call_task . . ................................... 2–13
2.7 acmsdi_cancel ....................................... 2–18
2.8 acmsdi_complete_pp ................................... 2–21
2.9 acmsdi_dispatch_message . . . ........................... 2–23
2.10 acmsdi_return_pointer ................................. 2–25