RF Gain Control
RF Gain Control
The RF Gain is used to optimize reception in
strong or weak signal areas.
Dimmer Control
Dimmer Control
Controls the brightness of the front panel,signal
strength meter and channel display
The RF Gain is used to optimize
reception in weak signal areas.
Rotate the RF Gain knob counterclockwise
to reduce gain in strong signal areas. In weak
signal areas turn clockwise to increase gain.
For maximum brightness turn clockwise;
counterclockwise for minimum illumination
Select mode of operation from USB to AM
to LSB
Voice Lock
to Ro t ate to clarify re ce i ve r ’s fre q u e n c i e s
a b ove and be l o w assigned fre q u e n c i e s .
Pri m a r ily used to tune SSB signals as we l l
as optimizing AM signals.
148 NW ST manual 3.3 6/15/99 3:12 PM Page 14