Serial command error codes
Error number Text message Explanation/Solution
1 Memory error The box is out of internal memory.
Power cycle the box.
2 No command found A command was not found in the string.
3 Unknown command A command was executed on a different
device type that this box response can
not display.The command dictionary
needs to be updated.
4 Not implemented The command is not implemented.
5 Argument error The command had an argument that was
out of range.
6 Unknown command The command is unknown to this unit.
7 Bad checksum The binary command’s checksum is
8 Camera not responding A preset or macro failed to program
because it is too large or because its
command list contained an invalid
11 Command too big The binary command is too large.
RAV serial commands
Command Function
AA Selects/reports setting of auto answer
AARINGS Selects/reports setting of the number of rings to auto answer
ACONN Selects/reports status of audible connect/disconnect indication
AD Selects/reports setting of auto disconnect
AEC Selects/reports acoustic echo canceller setting
AECREF Enables/disables or reports current status of AEC reference
AGC Selects/reports AGC
BATTERYLVL Reports battery level on remote
BAUD Selects/reports the baud rate of the serial port
CALLDUR Indicates how long a call has lasted
CAMBAUD Selects/reports baud rate of camera control port
CAMCTRLMODE Sets/reports camera control port mode
CAMFLOW Selects/reports flow control of camera control port
CAMMOVE Sends command to move the camera on the camera control port
CAMPRESET Executes camera preset
CAMPRESETSET Sets current position of camera as preset
CAMPRESETSET2 Sets/reports current camera preset
CAMPOSITION Sets/reports current position of camera on the camera control port
CAMSWITCHLAG Set the switch time lag for voice tracking
CAMTRACK Selects/reports camera voice-tracking mode
CAMZOOM Sets/reports current zoom of camera on the camera control port
CLEAREFFECT Enables/disables or reports current status of clear effect
CLOCK Sets/reports current time
COUNTRY Sets/reports country for compliance
DEFAULT Sets the unit to default
DEVICE Selects/reports manufacturer identification label
DEVICETYPE Enables /disables or reports the current type of device connected to
an input or output
DIAL Dials DTMF sequence or reports last sequence dialed
DID Selects/reports device ID
ENETADDR Selects/reports IP address of the Ethernet port
ENETDHCP Selects/reports use of DHCP of the Ethernet port
ENETDNSA Selects/reports DNS server IP address of the Ethernet port
ENETDNX Selects/reports use of the DNS of the Ethernet port
ENETGATE Selects/reports default gateway of the Ethernet port
ENETSUBN Selects/reports subnet mask of the Ethernet port
EQ Enables/disables or reports current status of equalization
EQSEL Enables/disables or reports current status of equalization
FLOW Selects/reports the flow control of the serial port
GAIN Changes/reports gain for a channel
GATE Reports gate status of microphones
GREPORT Selects/reports gate status report frequency
HOOK Sends a hook flash
HOOKD Selects/reports hook flash duration
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