Cisco Transport Manager Release 6.0 User Guide
Chapter 3 Building the Network
3.6.10 Filtering the Link Utilization Table
Depending on the number of provisioned circuits, the consumed bandwidth is totaled. Circuits such as
VAP/LAP and virtual tributary (VT) tunnel are preprovisioned and are not included in the calculation.
This is applicable to SONET and SDH.
Example: In SDH, for a STM4 link, the total bandwidth is (4 x 155) Mbps, where STM-1 = 155 Mbps.
To view the Link Utilization table:
Step 1 In the Domain Explorer window, choose Configuration > Link Table. The Link table opens.
Step 2 In the Link table, choose Configuration > Link Utilization Table. Table 3-15 provides descriptions.
3.6.10 Filtering the Link Utilization Table
Step 1 In the Link Utilization table, choose File > Filter (or click the Filter Data tool). The Filter dialog box
Step 2 Specify the filter parameters described in Table 3-16.
Step 3 Click OK to run the filter.
Table 3-15 Field Descriptions for the Link Utilization Table
Column Description
STS ID (SONET only) Displays the STS ID.
VT1.5 ID (SONET only) Displays the VT 1.5 ID.
VT2 ID (SONET only) Displays the VT2 ID.
VC4 ID (SDH only) Displays the VC4 ID.
VC3/TUG3 ID (SDH only) Displays theVC3/TUG3 ID.
TUG2 ID (SDH only) Displays the TUG2 ID.
VC12 ID (SDH only) Displays theVC12 ID.
VC11 ID (SDH only) Displays theVC11 ID.
Circuit Name Displays the circuit name.
Circuit Type Displays the circuit type.
Circuit Protection Type Displays the circuit protection type.
Customer ID Displays the user-defined customer ID.
Service ID Displays the user-defined service ID number.