Page 6SKU 46944
Table 1
Notes: * Charge Rates for this model are listed on the front panel.
** Based on battery at 50% charge.
AH = Ampere Hours
NR = Not Recommended
CCA = Cold Cranking Amps
RC = Reserve Capacity
Warning!! This Charger Engine Starter is not automatic and can overcharge and dry up a
battery if permitted to operate for extended periods of time. Monitor the charging often.
Output Selector Controls
Volt / Amp Selector
(Rotary Switch)
Charge Time / Minutes
Operation (continued)
7. After fully charging the battery, when the ammeter needle reads zero nearly, unplug the
Charger Engine Starter line cord from the outlet or extension cord.
8. Remove the negative (black) cable clamp from the battery.
9. Remove the positive (red) cable clamp from the battery.
Timer: The main function of the timer is to prevent over charging while allowing a battery time
to obtain a satisfactory charge. To properly set the timer, you must know the size of the battery
in ampere hours or reserve capacity in minutes, and the state of charge. Often the state of
charge is not known, which is one reason why the timer is limited to 3 hours. With the aid of
a battery load tester (not included) the state of the charge can be obtained in a few seconds.
For example, the average size automotive battery at a 50% state of charge will
Battery Size / Rating Charge Rate* / Charging Time Hours**
12V 2 Amp 12V 10 Amp 12/6V 40 Amp
Small Batteries Motorcycle 6 - 12 AH 3 - 6
Garden Tractor etc. 12 - 32 AH 3 - 18
200 - 315 CCA 40 - 60 RC 13 - 20 2-1/2 - 4 1/2 - 3/4
Cars / Trucks 315 - 550 CCA 60 - 85 RC 20- 35 4 - 7 3/4 - 2
550 - 875 85 - 125 RC 35 - 55 7 - 11 2 - 3
REV 04/02