
LED Followspot 75ST User Manual (Rev. 04) Page 11 of 17
Set this product in one of the standalone modes to control it without a DMX controller.
1) Connect this product to a suitable power outlet.
2) Turn this product on.
Never connect a product that is operating in any standalone mode to a DMX string
connected to a DMX controller. This is because products in standalone mode may
transmit signals that could interfere with the DMX signals from the controller.
Button Menu
To control the product in standalone mode, press <FUNCTION SELECT> until the
Control Panel displays NAn. Then, simply use the button menu on the back of the
product. Each button serves a different function, as detailed below.
Affects brightness of the light. Press
and hold either MAX to brighten or
MIN to darken, from 0~100%.
Turns light on and off. Press ON to
turn on and BLACK OUT to turn off.
Color Menu
Changes color of LED light output. Choose
color on the menu to change to desired color.
In DMX Mode, select
starting address.
Function Select
Toggles between Manual
and DMX Modes.
Control Panel
When NAn is displayed, it is in
Manual Mode. When 001 is
displayed, it is in DMX Mode.