12 T-680 Series
9900 East Baldwin Place • El Monte, California 91731-2294
Telephone: (626) 442-0782 • Toll-Free: 800-877-1771
Fax: (626) 444-1342 • CompuServe: 73513,1417
FaxBack: (626) 444-2017 • Toll-Free FaxBack: 800-274-2017
Printed in U.S.A.
©April 2000 Vega
T-680 Series Transmitter Specifications
494-608, 614-806 MHz
Direct FM, crystal controlled, 180KF3E; 75-kHz maximum deviation
150 mW, nominal or 40 mW nominal, depending on version
40 dB below carrier, minimum; typically 50 to 55 dB below carrier
At maximum gain typically 112 dB SPL for onset of compression; maximum
acoustic input: 143 dB SPL
Power on/off, microphone on/off, microphone gain
Audio compression
Per FCC requirements; “soft” compressor action, 25 dB range; typically system
distortion is less than 0.4% at 25 dB compression
Patented* Internal dipole
9-V alkaline, Duracell MN1604 recommended
Varies by model, from 9.85 in (25 cm) to 10.75 in (27.3 cm)
Varies by model, from 9 oz (256 g) to 13.5 oz (385 g), including battery
UHF PRO PLUS System Specifications
with R-662A or R-662B receivers
1,700 ft under good conditions; 500 ft or more under typical conditions with
standard whip antennas
Depends upon microphone element and electronics; 90 Hz to 15 kHz, ±1.5 dB, 120
Hz to 12 kHz, ±0.75 dB (units include highpass filter to minimize handling noise;
extended low-frequency response available on special order)
<0.25%, 400 Hz, nominal input level
<0.25% (SMPTE 60/7,000 Hz, 4:1)
Microphone off: 101 dB (flat), minimum; 108 dB typical, A-weighted. Microphone
on: varies by element type and gain setting, typically over 100 dB (A-weighted) at
normal gain settings.
Varies by element type and gain setting; typically over 100 dB; over 125 dB with
gain adjustment
Patent #4,344,184 issued August 10, 1982