CASTLEBERRY Instruments & Avionics
Document: 0052-1001-0001 Page 4 of 4 Revision B
3. Item 3 is the Pitch Dial. The gyro pitch attitude angle is determined by reading the Pitch Dial position
against the Parallax Indicator (previously set in item 1).
Note: The horizon line on the Pitch Dial may or may not be exactly aligned with the zero indices of the
Roll Dial (item 5) at true level. This can be due to the ± 1½ degree tolerance that is typical for attitude
4. This is the Roll Indice. The roll attitude angle is read by the position of the Roll Dial (item 5) against this
5. Roll Dial. See Item 4.
6. The Gyro Flag is a monitor to determine integrity of gyro. It is controlled by internal circuitry that will
cause the Flag to come into view if input power or gyro RPM becomes too low. Since it is affected by
gyro RPM, the Flag does not go out of view immediately when power is applied. Typically it takes 1 to 3
minutes for the Flag to go out of view and up to 5 minutes if operating with low voltage.
7. This is the inclinometer. It is a required device when this gyro is installed as a replacement for the turn
indicator gyro per FAA advisory circular AC91-75.
8. This knob is used for quick erect. Operation of the “Pull For Quick Erect” knob is done by a steady pulling
outward on the knob with a couple pounds of force until the gyro presentation has stopped moving and in a
level indication of both pitch and roll attitude and then gently releasing the knob to return to its spring
loaded position. This operation is called caging. It is normal for the gyro inertia to create or not to create a
tumbling effect during this operation depending upon its position at the time the knob was pulled.
Even though the gyro looks level after caging, it is really only level at this time if the aircraft was perfectly
level when the caging was done. Immediately after caging, the gyro will begin to settle towards true level.
By being somewhat close to level when caging the gyro, it should settle to true level in a short period of
time producing the “Fast Erect” function.
Caution: Caging the gyro by pulling the “Pull For Fast Erect” knob while in flight when the aircraft is not
level will cause the gyro to be incorrect.