To print a large-size label
1. While the PRESETS menu is on the display, use u and i to move the
highlighting to “ENLARGED” and then press SET.
2. Input up to 16 characters of text, and then
press SET.
3. Specify the print direction (page E-26) and either mirror or normal printing
(page E-27).
• Use u and i to move the highlighting between items, and t and y to
change each setting.
4. After making the settings you want, press
5. Use u and i to move the highlighting to
the enlargement size you want to use and
then press SET.
6. Make sure that “PRINT” is highlighted, and
then press SET.
7. Use t and y to select “ALL” on the “LEVEL” item.
8. Use i to move the highlighting to the “AUTO CUT” menu. Use t and y to
select ON.
9. Press SET or PRINT to execute it.
If you want to print only one of the tapes that make up the enlarged label, use
the y and t keys in step 7 to select the tape you want to print.
• You cannot input or print superscripted or subscripted symbols (SYMBOL)
using Enlarged printing. (See page E-14 for information about superscripting
and subscripting symbols.)
• With enlarged printing any of the following conditions can cause printing to
take a long time.
• Very wide tape
• A large number of pieces
• A large number of characters
• Certain fonts
• Many illustrations
Such conditions can cause the message, “GETTING READY...” to remain
on the display for quite a long time. This is due to internal processing and
does not indicate malfunction. If you want to interrupt printing, press ESC.
With this item, you can print any one of seven different types of bar codes: EAN-
Important! The procedure you use to print a bar code depends on the type of
bar code you select.
Bar Code Tape
Only 18/24/36/46mm tape should be used for printing bar codes.
• Black on white tape (WE)
• Blue on white tape (WEB)
• Black on yellow tape (YW)
• You cannot use 6/9/12mm/colored tape to print bar codes.
• You cannot input superscripted or subscripted symbols (SYMBOL) using bar
• You can input up to 60 characters as comment text. If you do not want to input
comment text, press SET without inputting anything.
• Always test bar codes produced using this label printer before actually using
them. If bar codes cannot be read properly, try adjusting the print density to a
lighter level (page E-32), or using a larger bar code size (See step 6 under
“To print a bar code” on page E-35.)