To use synchro start
1. Press the SYNCHRO/ENDING button to put the key-
board into synchro start standby.
2. Play a chord and the rhythm pattern starts to play au-
• If the MODE switch is set to NORMAL, only the rhythm plays (without a
chord) when you play on the accompaniment keyboard.
• If you press the INTRO button before playing anything on the keyboard,
the rhythm starts automatically with an intro pattern when you play some-
thing on the accompaniment keyboard.
• Pressing the VARIATION/FILL-IN button before playing anything on the
keyboard causes play to start with the variation pattern when something
is played on the keyboard.
• To cancel synchro start standby, press the SYNCHRO/ENDING button
one more time.
Finishing with an Ending Pattern
You can end your performances with an ending pattern that brings
the rhythm pattern you are using to a natural-sounding conclusion.
The following procedure describes how to insert an ending pattern.
Note that the actual ending pattern played depends on the rhythm
pattern you are using.
To finish with an ending pattern
While the rhythm is playing, press the SYNCHRO/END-
ING button.
• This causes the ending pattern to play which brings rhythm ac-
companiment to an end.
• The timing when the ending pattern starts depends on when you
press the SYNCHRO/ENDING button. If you press the button be-
fore the second beat of the current measure, the ending pattern
starts playing immediately. Pressing the button at any point in the
measure after the second beat results in the ending pattern playing
from the beginning of the following measure.
Adjusting the Accompaniment Volume
You can adjust the volume of the accompaniment parts as a value in
the range of 000 (minimum) to 127.
1. Press the ACCOMP VOLUME button.
2. Use the number buttons or the [+]/[–] buttons to
change the current volume setting value.
Example: 110
• The current accompaniment volume value that appears in Step 1 auto-
matically clears from the display if you do not input anything within about
five seconds.
• Pressing [+] and [–] buttons at the same time automatically sets an ac-
companiment volume of 075.
Using One-touch Preset
One-touch preset automatically makes the settings listed below in
accordance with the rhythm pattern you are using.
• Keyboard tone
• Layer, Split, or Layer Split on/off
• Layered tone (when layer is turned on), split tone (when split is
turned on), or layered split tone (when layer and split are turned
• Tempo
• Accompaniment volume
To use one-touch preset
1. Select the rhythm you want to use.
2. Use the MODE button to select the accompaniment
mode you want to use.
3. Press the ONE TOUCH PRESET button.
• This automatically makes the one-touch preset settings in ac-
cordance with the rhythm you selected.
4. Play a chord and the rhythm pattern starts to play au-
• Accompaniment is played using the one touch preset set-
Current accompaniment volume setting
Number buttons