Just like with exposure compensation (p. 67), you can adjust the exposure
±2 stops in 1/3-stop increments when using the flash.
Choose ~.
● After pressing the m button, press the
op buttons to choose ~.
Make the setting.
● Press the qr buttons or turn the  dial
to choose the flash exposure
compensation, then press the m button.
X~ will appear on the screen.
The camera automatically changes the shutter speed or aperture value when the
flash fires to avoid overexposing and blowing out the highlights in the scene. In
the 4 tab, if [Safety FE] in [Flash Settings] is set to [Off], the shutter speed and
aperture value will not automatically adjust.
Adjusting the Flash Exposure
To set the flash exposure compensation, choose [Flash Settings] (p. 91)
from the 4 tab, then choose [Flash Exp. Comp] and press the qr
buttons to choose a setting (p. 48).
Safety FE