If you are using Mac or Windows with the drivers installed, the screen will turn off after the
connection is terminated. Please proceed to Step 4: Sending images to a computer.
For Windows users, when connecting your camera to your computer wirelessly for the first time,
the display will not change during connection.
Please proceed to6. Driver Installation.
6. Driver Installation (Windows Only)
When wirelessly connecting the camera to a computer for the first time, it is necessary to install the
drivers using the following procedure (Windows Only).
7. Make sure the below screen appears on the camera`s display.
Windows 7 users: Please proceed to 7A: Windows 7.
Windows 8 users: Please proceed to 7B: Windows 8.
7A-1. Windows 7
When the screen in step 7 is shown on the cameras LCD panel, click the computer's Start menu and
choose [Control Panel] > [Network and Internet] > [View network computers and devices], and then
choose the connected camera from [Other Devices] and then double click the camera icon. Driver
installation will begin.