156 Chapter 10
Copy Specifications
Copy speed
*Based on Canon standard
Copy speed may vary
depending on document
complexity, copy mode,
page coverage and the
number of copies.
Black & white: <Fast> mode approx. 28 cpm
Color: <Fast> mode approx. 19 cpm
No. of copies
Maximum 99 copies
Density adjustment
9 levels
25% to 400%
Fax Specifications
Applicable line
Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN)
G3 / Super G3 (Mono & Color Fax)
Data compressing system
Modem type
Fax modem
Modem speed
33600 / 31200 / 28800 / 26400 / 24000 / 21600 / 19200 / 16800 / 14400 / 12000 /
9600 / 7200 / 4800 / 2400 bps
Automatic fallback
Transmission speed
Black & white: Approx. 3 seconds/page at 33.6 Kbps, ECM-MMR, transmitting
from memory
(Based on ITU-T No.1 chart for US specifications and Canon FAX Standard
chart No.1 for others, both in standard mode or Canon FAX Standard chart
No1, standard mode.)
Color: Approx. 1 minute 20 seconds/page at 33.6 Kbps, ECM-JPEG,
transmitting from memory
(Based on Canon COLOR FAX TEST SHEET.)
Scanning image
Halftones: 256 levels of gray
Density adjustment: 3 levels
Transmission/reception: 150 pages
(Based on ITU-T No.1 chart for US specifications and Canon FAX Standard
chart No.1 for others, both in standard mode.)
Fax resolution
Black & white <STANDARD>: 203 pels / in. x 98 lines / in (8 pels / mm x 3.85
lines / mm.)
Black & white <FINE>, <PHOTO>: 203 pels / in. x 196 lines / in (8 pels / mm x
7.70 lines / mm.)
Color: 200 x 200 dpi
Automatic dialing
Coded speed dialing (40 destinations)
Regular dialing (with numeric buttons)
Automatic redialing
Manual redialing (with [Redial/Pause])