Automatic Flash: New Canon Auto Tuning System (New CATS)
with specified Canon Speedlites.
Shutter speed is automatically set
to 1/90 sec. with shutter dial at
any setting except B. Meter needle
indicates auto working aperture
in the viewfinder as soon as
Speedlite’s pilot lamp glows.
Aperture controlled automatically
when AE Power Winder FN or AE Motor
Drive FN is attached and lens’
aperture ring set to ”A” mark.
Slow-Sync Flash Possible with Speedlites 199A, 533G and
Rhotography: 577G. Flash synchronizes with shutter
speed set at slow settings from 1/60 to 8 secs.
Camera switches automatically
to 1/90 sec. when shutter dial
is set from 1/2000 to 1/125 sec.
or ” S .”
Camera Back: Opened by pressing safety stopper while
pulling up rewind knob. Removable
for attaching Data Back FN or Film
Chamber FN-100. With memo holder.
Film Loading: Via multi-slot take-up spool.
Film Advance Lever: Single-stroke 139
throw with 30
stand-off. Ratchet winding possible.
Frame Counter: Additive type. Automatically resets to ”S”
upon opening camera back. Advances
during multiple exposures.
Film Rewinding: By turning rewind leverclockwise and
pressing it down and turning
rewind crank. Rewind lever
automatically resets when camera
back is opened and when shutter
button is lightly pressed.