Programmed Image Control Modes
Select a shooting mode to suit the target subject, and the camera will be set to obtain the best
This mode blurs the background to make the human subject
stand out.
Holding down the shutter button executes continuous
To improve the background blur, use a telephoto lens and
fill the frame with the subject or have the subject stand
farther away from the background.
The < > AF mode, < > (continuous) drive
mode, < > metering mode, “ ” ISO speed, and
> white balance will be set automatically.
This is for wide scenic views, night scenes, etc.
Using a wide-angle lens will further enhance the depth
and breadth of the image.
The < > AF mode, < > (single) drive mode,
> metering mode, “ ” ISO speed, and < >
white balance will be set automatically.
Use this mode to take close-up shots of flowers, insects,
As much as possible, focus the subject at the lens’
closest focusing distance.
To obtain a larger magnification, use the telephoto end of
a zoom lens.
For better close-ups, an EOS-dedicated macro lens and
Macro Ring Lite (both optional) are recommended.
The < > AF mode, < > (single) drive mode,
> metering mode, “ ” ISO speed, and < >
white balance will be set automatically.