2. Manual Search
You can search channels of the selected satellite by transponders using the transponder information.
• Antenna Alternative: Select antenna alternative which has different
combinations of settings for search. Antenna Alternative 16 is predefined
for SMATV.
• Frequency: Enter transponder frequency.
• Polarisation: Select the type of polarisation.
• Symbol Rate: Select or enter transponder symbol rate.
• FEC: Select FEC (Forward Error Correction).
• Network Search: If you want to search channels for multiple
transponders, select "Yes". Otherwise, select "No".
• Automatic Skip: When skipping all scrambled channel search, select
"Yes". Otherwise, select "No".
• Advanced: In advanced mode, enter Video Packet ID (PID), Audio PID,
and PCR PID.
After setting the parameters of search, press the OK button to start channel search. Wait until the operation is completed. After finishing
search operation, the result window will be displayed. You can delete the channels using the
and the RED button. To cancel
deleting operation, press the RED button again. The screen also shows the number of the channels found and the transponder
To save the found channels, press the OK button.
• If the antenna is properly set up, the signal strength bar and quality bar level, located at the bottom of the screen moves up.
• Press the BACK button to stop search.
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