Chapter 1 Before You Start Using the Scanner
● Deskew
The scanner straightens an image when it recognizes
from the image that the document page was fed askew.
● Dropout and Color Enhancement
The scanner is equipped with color drop-out and
enhancement functions that enable you to specify one
color (red, blue, or green) to be omitted (dropped out) or
enhanced when scanning, respectively.
● Remove Binder Holes
Erases the shadows that appear on scanned images form
binding holes on the original document.
● Skip Blank Page
The scanner scans both sides of a document and skips
saving the image of any side it determines to be a blank
● Folio Scan
Documents that are too large to fit in the feeder inlet can
be folded and scanned on both sides, and the images are
combined into a single image. (See “Scanning
documents wider than the feeder inlet (Folio Scan)” on
p. 10-3.)
● MultiStream
The scanner supports MultiStream, which can create
three images with different scanning conditions from a
single scan pass depending on the intended purpose.
However, this function is only available when using
software that supports Multi-Stream.
Skewed Image Deskewed Image
Color Document Image with Red Drop-Out
set (red filtered)
Image with Binding Holes Image without Binding Holes
Two-Sided Documents
with a Blank Side
Images with Blank Page
Front and Back Images Reconstructed Image
Document to be
(150 dpi, Color)
(300 dpi, Black & White)
Two Types of Output Image