Thank you for purchasing this Canon product
The EOS D60 digital camera is a high-performance, single-lens reflex AF camera with an ultra-
fine CMOS sensor having approx. 6.3 million effective pixels. The camera is compatible with all
Canon EF lenses and designed for quick and easy shooting. It is full-featured for all types of
photography, from fully automatic snapshooting to professional-level, creative work.
CompactFlash cards (CF Type I and II) serve as the recording medium.
Before using the camera, be sure to read these Instructions to familiarize yourself with the
camera’s features and proper operation.
∗ Using CF cards made by Canon is recommended.
Radio and Television Interference (VCCI Statement)
This camera is an information technology device that does not exceed Class B limits for
electromagnetic interference (EMI) in compliance with standards set by Japan’s Voluntary
Control Council for Interference by Information Technology Equipment (VCCI). This device may
still cause interference with radio or television reception when placed near such an appliance.
Read these Instructions to learn how to avoid reception interference of other appliances.
Test the Camera Before Shooting
Before using the camera, be sure to test it first. Check that the images are properly recorded
on the CF card. If the camera or CF card is faulty and the images cannot be recorded or read
by a personal computer, Canon cannot be held liable for any loss or inconvenience caused.
About Copyrights
Copyright laws in your country may prohibit the use of images of people and certain subjects
for anything but private enjoyment. Photographing public performances or exhibitions may
also be prohibited.
● Canon and EOS are trademarks of Canon Inc.
● Adobe and Photoshop are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
● CompactFlash is a trademark of SanDisk Corporation.
● IBM PC/AT and Microdrive are trademarks or registered trademarks of International
Business Machines.
● Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple Corporation in the United States and other
● All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
This digital camera supports Exif 2.2 (also called “Exif Print”). Exif Print is a standard for
enhancing the communication between digital cameras and printers. By connecting to an Exif
Print-compliant printer, the camera’s image data at the time of shooting is used and optimized,
yielding extremely high quality prints.
Landscape Mode .................................... 45
Language .............................................. 121
LCD brightness ..................................... 120
LCD panel ......................................... 10, 16
LCD panel Illumination ............................ 67
Lens ........................................................ 27
Macro Flash .......................................... 138
Main Dial ........................................... 20, 30
Manual .................................................... 74
Manual focus ........................................... 59
Main switch ....................................... 20, 29
Message List ......................................... 135
Menu functions................................ 32, 118
Metering Modes ...................................... 61
MF (Manual Focus) ........................... 27, 59
Mirror lockup ................................... 84, 122
Mode dial ................................................ 18
Modeling flash ......................................... 95
Night Portrait Mode ................................. 48
Non-Canon flash unit .............................. 96
NTSC ............................................ 112, 121
One-shot AF............................................ 55
PAL ................................................ 112, 121
Parameter selection ................................ 52
Partial metering ....................................... 62
PC Card Adapter................................... 139
PC terminal ............................................. 96
Portrait Mode........................................... 44
Print order selection .............................. 106
Date printing ...................................... 110
File number printing .......................... 111
Print type ........................................... 109
All images.......................................... 108
Single image ..................................... 107
Program AE............................................. 68
Program line.......................................... 133
Program shifting ...................................... 69
Protection .............................................. 103
Quick Control Dial ............................. 20, 31
Recording capacity ................................. 50
Recording size ........................................ 50
Red-eye phenomenon........................... 130
Red-eye reduction ................................... 89
Remote Switch ...................................... 139
Self-timer................................................. 81
Settings checking .................................... 60
Shooting modes ...................................... 18
Shutter button.......................................... 29
Shutter speed........................................ 130
Single-frame shooting ............................. 63
Specifications ........................................ 142
Sports Mode............................................ 47
Strap ....................................................... 21
Sync shutter speed ........................... 87, 96
System Map .......................................... 140
Timer operation ....................................... 20
Timer Remote Controller....................... 139
Tv ............................................................ 70
Video system ........................................ 121
Viewfinder ............................................... 17
Viewing the image............................. 40, 98
Auto playback .................................... 101
Enlarged image viewing ...................... 99
Erasing images
Single .............................................. 43
All .................................................. 104
Jumping between images.................... 99
Protecting images ............................. 103
Rotating images ................................ 102
Viewing a single image ....................... 98
Viewing the index ................................ 98
White balance ................................... 64, 66
Wireless multi-flash shooting .................. 95