7. Settings
7.4 Study Management
The Storage tab of the Study Manager screen is displayed when the Study Management icon is clicked.
On this tab, the storage directory of the images and the save period are set.
To set the storage directory which the images are to be exported as the DICOM or JPEG format file, refer
to 7.6 Storage (see page 92).
Study Manager screen (Storage tab)
Set storage directory.
Item Operation
Image Storage
Click [Browse...], open the Browse For Folder dialog box, and set the folder
into which the work data is to be saved.
Removable disks and network-related folders cannot be set.
In Windows Vista, set access privileges for the saving folder if necessary.
(Refer to (2) in 2.1 Software (see page 3).)
Display warning
when available
drive size is less
When this is checked, an Warning screen will be displayed when the amount
of free space on the hard disk has fallen below the setting.
Click or to select a setting from 5 to 999.
The amount of free space on the hard disk is checked in the following
• When [Browse...] has been clicked and a folder selected
• When [OK] has been clicked on the Study Manager screen
• When the New Study icon has been clicked on the main screen