System Requirements
The following system requirements must be met to install and operate the software.
* The retouching software bundled with cameras varies between camera models. Some models
are not bundled with retouching software. Please refer to the System Map for the programs
supplied with your camera.
• A cable connection via a USB port is only supported for computers pre-installed with Windows
98, Windows Me or Windows 2000, or those upgraded to Windows Me from a pre-installed
version of Windows 98.
• A CD-ROM drive is required to install the software.
• QuickTime 3.0 or a later version is required to replay movies captured by the camera or to save
images merged with PhotoStitch in the QuickTime VR format.
• QuickTime 4.1 is contained on the Canon Digital Camera Solution Disk.
• A sound card is required to replay soundtracks for movie files.
Computer Model
IBM PC / AT compatible
Windows 95, Windows 98 (Including the Second Edition),
Windows Millennium Edition (Windows Me), Windows NT 4.0
(Service Pack 3 or a later version required) or Windows 2000.
Pentium 150 MHz or better
32 MB or more (Windows 95/Windows 98)
64 MB or more (Windows Me/Windows NT 4.0/Windows 2000)
USB: (Limited to pre-installed Windows 98, Windows Me or
Windows 2000 systems)
RS-232C: (Serial or COM Port)
Free Hard Disk Space
Canon Utilities
ZoomBrowser EX: 120 MB or more
(Including the PhotoRecord printing utility)
PhotoStitch: 40 MB or more
RemoteCapture: 20 MB or more
Canon Digital Camera USB TWAIN Driver: 25 MB or more
Canon Digital Camera RS-232C TWAIN Driver:15 MB or more
Canon Digital Camera USB WIA Driver: 25 MB or more
Adobe Photoshop LE*: 40 MB or more
Adobe PhotoDeluxe Home Edition*: 140 MB or more
(Works with the Windows 95/98/NT operating systems)
ArcSoft PhotoImpression*: 125 MB or more
ArcSoft VideoImpression*: 30 MB or more
Minimum: 800 x 600 pixels, 256 colors (8 bit)
Recommended: 1,024 x 768 pixels, High Color (16 bit) or more
High Color (16 bit) or more is required to use ArcSoft
PhotoImpression or ArcSoft VideoImpression.