3、Installation Procedures:
1) First step
Put CISS on the left side of the printer. In the meantime, place all the tubes at correct position. Then pull the small
rubber plug out of Air hole, and insert the air filters into air holes as the pictures shown above.
2) Install cartridges
Pls turn on power. Open the cover, the cartridge carriage will Turn off the printer and unplug it.
move automatically to “Change Cartridge
Place”. Then take off original Cartridges.
3) Installation of continuous ink system
Take off the CIS cartridge’s bottom cap and Stick support arm 2.5cm distance from Clip the tube like the part in red circle.
the cartridges into cartridge carriage. left edge, 4cm distance from bottom side
Clip the tube on the other side of the support Adjust the tube line, make sure cartridge Move the cartridge carriage to the right side
arm as shown in the picture. carriage can move to the both sides and the of printer. Check if there is any problem
tube line can come out through the bottom of when moving.
the cartridge like the position in red circle.
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