o 22
Photo 23
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WX Technical Instructions 5
Photo 21a
Photo 21b
ep 23
Turn the cartridge around to the gear
side once again. Remove the two other
gears. Remember which gear goes
where. These gears turn the toner paddle
bars inside the toner hopper. The bars
will fall into the toner hopper. Remove
these t
oner paddle bars from inside the
oner hopp
ee P
o 23)
Step 21
Lift out mag roller. Remove the mag roller
tabilizer, mag roller sleeve bearing and
mag roller sleeve bushing from the non-
gear side of the mag roller and clean.
(See Photo 21a and 21b)
Use compressed air or a vacuum and
remove the extra toner off the mag roller.
Use mag roller cleaner to remove any
residue built up on mag roller.
NOTE: If you are going to have your mag
rollers coated or replaced, you’ll need to
remove the mag roller contact, the gear,
mag roller stabilizer, the bearing and the
bushing from the other side of the mag
To remove the gear off the mag roller, use
a very small flat blade screwdriver to pry
back the prong on the gear. Remove the
non-gear side hub and send in mag roller
to be coated.
The mag roller bearings have a difference
in the inner diameter size and are not
interchangeable. HP also made two dif-
ferent mag rollers. The only difference is
in the length of the shaft and the hub.It
is very important to keep the parts
together. The long shaft uses a shorter
hub. When the mag rollers are put
together correctly, they can be used inter-
changeably in different cartridges.
Step 22
Remove the two screws that hold the
doctor blade and lift it out. Clean and set
he doctor blade can wear out
after a few cycles, check and replace if
(See Photo 22)