Print Media That Can Be Used
TMatte Photo Paper
Thick but a less glossy surface, excellent for color reproduction with no
reflection from the printed surface. This media is ideal for printing paper
crafts, calenders, and matte photographs.
Canon product:
Matte Photo Paper (MP-101)
TProfessional Photo Paper
Thick media applied with a special glossy coating on the surface,
excellent in color development and water resistance. This media is ideal
for printing photographs in high print quality.
Canon product:
Photo Paper Pro (PR-101)
THigh Gloss Photo Film
Film base media with a coated surface much shinier than Glossy Paper,
an excellent choice to achieve the best reproduction of photographic
z In order to achieve the best results when printing high quality photographic
images, set the top margin larger than 20 mm (0.8 in.).
TTransparencies (OHP Film)
Highly transparent film used to produce printed color presentations with
an overhead projector at conferences and presentations. Printing can be
done on either side of the sheets.
Canon product:
Color Bubble Jet Transparencies (CF-102)
z Never touch the printed surface of a printed transparency until it has dried for at
least 15 minutes, and never stack printed transparencies.
z Remove each sheet from the output tray as it is ejected from the printer. To prevent
smearing, never allow printed transparencies to stack on the output tray.