Developing RAW Clips
Developing RAW Clips
Use the Cinema RAW Development software to develop RAW clips recorded on an external recorder
connected to the camera’s 3G-SDI terminals. After you develop the clips and export them to a full-quality
standard file type such as DPX, they will be ready for color grading. Visit your local Canon Web site to download
the software and receive the latest information on it. Refer to the instruction manual (PDF file) included with the
software for details on its use.
System Requirements
These are the system requirements as of July 2012.
Cinema RAW Development
64-bit version only.
We recommend keeping RAW clips on a separate drive from the save destination of developed clips.
Required only when checking SDI output on an external monitor.
Installing and Uninstalling Cinema RAW Development (Windows)
Installing Cinema RAW Development
1 Double-click crdw-*****.zip, the file that you downloaded from the Canon Web site, to decompress it.
•The folder crdw-***** will be created that contains the file crdw***.exe.
2 Select your area.
3 Select your country/region and then click Next.
• If you selected Asia or Oceania in step 2, skip to step 5.
4 Select the language to be displayed during installation.
5 After the message appears prompting you to exit other applications, exit other applications and then click OK.
• The software’s license agreement appears.
6 Read the license agreement and click Yes to begin the installation.
• If you do not select Yes, you cannot install the software.
• When the installation has completed, Installation has completed successfully appears.
7 Click Next and then click Finish.
Uninstalling Cinema RAW Development
1From the Start menu, select All Programs > Canon Utilities > Cinema RAW Development > Uninstall
Cinema RAW Development.
• A confirmation screen appears.
2 Click OK to begin uninstalling the software.
• When the software has been uninstalled, The software has been successfully uninstalled appears.
3 Click OK.
Operating modes:
OS Windows 7
, SP1 Mac OS X v10.7 or 10.8
CPU Intel® Core i7, 3.06 GHz recommended Intel® Xeon, 2.8 GHz Quad Code recommended
GPU NVIDIA GeForce GTX680 NVIDIA Quadro 4000
Hard disk Any with read/write speed of 600 MB/s
SDI expansion card
AJA KONA 3G with drivers v10.3.0 AJA KONA 3G with drivers v10.3.1