Sending Methods
Sending Documents
Press the File Format drop-down list ➞ select a file format.
File Formats:
[TIFF/JPEG]: Sends images in either the TIFF (Black-and-White) or JPEG
(Grayscale/Color) format.
[MTIFF/PDF]: Enables you to insert multiple images into a single MTIFF or
PDF file. Sends the file in either the MTIFF (Black-and-White)
or PDF (Grayscale/Color) format.
[PDF/PDF]: Enables you to insert multiple images into a single PDF file.
Sends the file in the PDF format regardless of the color mode.
[PDF (Compct)]: Enables you to send files containing text originals or text/photo
originals using a high compression ratio. You can also send
multiple images together as one PDF file.
When [PDF (Compct)] is selected, the Auto-Color Select (Full
Color/Black-and-White) and Black-and-White color modes
cannot be set together.
If you select [PDF (Compct)] as the file format, it is
recommended that you set the original type setting to either
'Text/Photo' or 'Text', depending on the image type.
If [PDF (Compct)] is selected as the File Format, the resolution is automatically
changed to [300x300 dpi]. If the color mode is set to [Auto-Color Select (Full Color/
Black-and-White)] or [Black and White], the color mode is automatically changed to
[Auto-Color Select (Full Color/Grayscale)] or [Grayscale] respectively. If you want to
send the document with the resolution setting and the color mode that you specify,
change the File Format setting to anything other than [PDF (Compct)].