Test Conditions
Shooting: Normal temperature (23 °C ± 2 °C/73 °F ± 3.6 °F),
normal relative humidity (50% ± 20%), alternating max.
wide angle and max. telephoto shots at 30 second
intervals with the flash fired once every two shots and the
camera power turned off after every tenth shot. Power is
left off for a sufficient amount of time*, then the power is
turned back on and the testing procedure is repeated.
zA Canon-brand memory card is used.
* Until the battery returns to normal temperature
Playback: Normal temperature (23 °C ± 2 °C/73 °F ± 3.6 °F),
normal relative humidity (50% ± 20%), continuous
playback at 3 seconds per image.
See Battery Handling Precautions (p. 85).